I noted a ridiculous Facebook post from the pastor of GFM sharing Angelina Jolie's alleged miracle and asking for member's thoughts. Angelina had allegedly prayed for the rain to stop so they could continue shooting film.
"[Angelina] said 'I don't know what I'm going to do so I'll do what Louie would do.' She got on her knees and she prayed for a miracle … everybody saw it," she recalled. "It stopped raining. The sun came out, a rainbow came out, she said, 'let's get this take' [and] they shot the take. When she said 'cut,' it started to rain again." Angelina Jolie Dropped To Her Knees and Prayed for a Miracle - ChristianPost.comI tend to have a very objective point of view because I've never seen a Jolie film ever since I stopped watching new Hollywood films way back in 2003. To me it was clear as day that it was an article more for The Onion and not for Christian news.
What I later noted on the Good Fight Ministries' Facebook page was that there was a personality cult among Christians who wanted to save celebrities for Jesus that they cared little to nothing of their fellow Christians. I was being directed to pray for Ms. Jolie, then scolded by another member quite harshly when I suggested it was a form of idolatry to treat Ms. Jolie any different from another. The GFM pastor then stepped into the fray backing up the other member disagreeing with me that it was a form of idolatry. I believed I had a valid point that needed further elaboration.
I therefore digress that, in my opinion, Good Fight Ministries isn't a real ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus isn't for spreading the evil of Hollywood to the degree it's promoted on the GFM website while leaving Christians naive and unequipped for true spiritual warfare as stated in Ephesians 6:10-20
There's a very fine line to walk when Christians seek to expose Satan because God wants us focusing on things of heaven and not of this world.
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:1-2It's my opinion Good Fight Ministries should no longer be producing videos of this nature nor glorifying any current celebrities by spending so much time on them. The fact is that Jesus already won the fight at the cross and wants us focusing on heavenly things. It's not right to form personality cults of idolatry worship of celebrities on social media in a vain attempt to try and save those who have clearly rejected Jesus as their Savior when others are in need prayer.
Hollywood wants a piece of the Christian money to go from tithing to itself. These worldly actresses are going to pull all kinds of stunts to impress Christians and that's just one of the reasons why I'm not buying the Angelina Jolie miracle no matter how convincing with the timing of the sun coming out.
I noted my former local church in San Francisco was also infected by the Hollywood bug but even to a greater degree. Guys night out at this church was a visit to the local theater to watch Planet of the Apes. Their month long series on Hollywood blockbuster films and giving away free movie tickets was enough for me to never return again.
There's such a thing as being infected by Hollywood when even Christians catch that bug!
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