If the phone mystery wasn't creepy enough, later that evening I was reading up on the East Coast earthquake. Just as I read the headline that had the word earthquake in it, a 3.6 earthquake rocked San Francisco at 11:37 p.m.. PCT I couldn't believe it! Then, a few minutes later something began happening with my eye site. A section of my left eye seemed to be looking through a glass prism of multiple colored refracted lights. I closed my eyes to rest them a moment and there was a yellow tinted light as if I was outside in the sun, not the typical darkness when one closes their eyes. There was also a high frequency ringing in my left ear. My first inclination was to think it was my new super turbo vitamin LifePak supplements I took a few hours prior, but could it possibly have something to do with a planetary awakening of some sort?
There seems to be a lot of uptick earthquake activity lately picking up in the U.S.. Here's an outstanding video with a likely explanation as to why unusually placed earthquakes are happening.
The Dutchsinse Channel covers a lot of information daily on earthquakes worldwide and has a few things to say about the pattern of recent U.S. earthquakes (Colorado, etc.)
In this clip a D.C. police officer is purportedly concerned about the Washington Monument tilting. He should be more concerned over Washington's blatant corruption more than a stupid monument.
I can't help but wonder if Comet Elenin and/or Planet Nibiru have anything to do with all this strange earthquake activity, not only in the U.S., but all over the world. As previously posted, Comet Elenin is set to line up with our planet on September 25, 2011 and large earthquakes are anticipated. People should prepare by getting plenty of canned and dried foods, water and emergency supplies. I get my supplies at www.Nitro-Pak.com and www.eFoods.com.
Other related posts:
Major Quake in U.S. Predicted Today Due To Planetary Alignment - August 17, 2011
Random Thoughts on Eve of Possible Market Crash - August 7, 2011
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