***UPDATE** The Yahoo email I received from Pamela Lauser, though seemingly authentic, appears to be the work of some hoaxer from Nigeria. It took a lot of IP address look ups from the header to denote. In spite of this hoax, the fact Pamela still hasn't removed my email address from her Yahoo contact list warrants this article anyway. I asked twice already.
A couple years ago I posted my experience with an attorney Pamala Lauser in Concord, CA. (See posts Too Many Greedy Incompetent Attorneys Like Pamela Lauser and another after one of her client contacted me, Pamela Lauser Threatens Lawsuit Against Divorcee Mother With Two Young Children)
A couple years ago I posted my experience with an attorney Pamala Lauser in Concord, CA. (See posts Too Many Greedy Incompetent Attorneys Like Pamela Lauser and another after one of her client contacted me, Pamela Lauser Threatens Lawsuit Against Divorcee Mother With Two Young Children)
To my utter dismay, I just learned that on March 20, 2014, an email message below from Mrs. Lauser was sent to me at an email address I rarely visit that was given to me by AT&T with my account. I stick with gmail accounts. Apparently I used the AT&T address to send something to Pamela during my case a few years ago so I became part of her Yahoo address book. I actually received an email from her before but promptly notified her, seems she's too lazy to remove it.
In any event, this email sent to me is highly inappropriate in view of how Pamela stole a few thousand dollars from me based on one of her legal contracts I was lured into signing.
I am writing this to you with tears and pains, My family and I came down here to Ukraine on a short visit, Unfortunately for us we got mugged at the park of our hotel, All money, credit card and cell phones were stolen away from us, luckily for us we still have our passports saved with us.
Our credit cards can't be charged by the hotel because we have already reported it as a stolen card and the card company had canceled it, we can only get a new one when we make it back home safely.
We have been to the Embassy and the Police but they're not helping issues at all, Our return flight leaves soon, we're having financial problems sorting our hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we sort the bills. All we need is ($2,000.00 USD) or anything you can afford, I promise to refund you in full as soon as I return hopefully tomorrow or next.let me know if you can be of any assistance.
Thanks so much.My email response I just sent (a few months later) as follows:
"Sorry I got back to you so late Pamela, I rarely check my AT&T email I haven't used for years. I'm sorry I couldn't help pay for your trip home. I'm a little tapped out since your last billing and not feeling the warm and fuzzies after the small claims court hearing on my 50th B-day in which you blasted me with outrageous false accusations through your hostage employees.
I recall writing you once before that my email address seems to still be in your Yahoo address book. Once again, would you be so kind to remove me from it since you tend to send out blanket emails like this? Thank you. - Cheryl Meril
Poor Pamela. The illness of a greedy money grubber is so apparent, everyone is her source of cash that she sends out a blast email to whomever's been ensnared into her legal industry farce game.
This is my popular Yelp view on Pamela Lauser's lawyer's services:
I wouldn't recommend this attorney Pamela Lauser. I traveled 35 miles for an initial free 20 minute consultation only for her to tell me she had a conflict with the judge. She eventually charged me $250 for the consultation after she masterfully manipulated my getting removal of two cases from the judge's court to another so she could request $2,500.
Pamela Lauser never met with me or returned my phone calls prior to the hearings and canceled 24 hours prior sending her associate attorney instead who did not represent me at the hearing. He charged $300/hr. for 7 hours though I represented myself and testified with witnesses. This is just part of the issues I encountered with this farce attorney.
For non-representation at one hearing and no litigation or paperwork, I was charged $2,500 over a civil retraining order I obtained against someone. I represented my own case. Her office refused to negotiate claiming my retainer was used up.
When I took her to Small Claims Court for non-representation, she lied to the judge about many things and attacked my credibility with outrageous accusations. She also claimed she wrote off $4,000 for reading through my materials
Because she recklessly lies and is particularly vicious in her accusations against anyone who challenges as such, I reported her to the California Bar Association and encourage any others with similar experiences do the same.
Pamela drove her client to bankruptcy in over charging for her divorce. The client had a little baby at the time. Pamela had once sent a blanket email before and I sent two emails asking to be removed.
Too Many Greedy Incompetent Attorneys Like Pamela Lauser
Pamela Lauser Threatens Lawsuit Against Divorcee Mother With Two Young Children
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