First, here's a great video if you want the background on HAARP technology prior to the next video that shows the evidence of weather manipulation in the recent storms.
If you want to see the evidence of HAARP in the recent deadly storms, this following video has clear evidence. It's from a YouTuber whose been tracking HAARP activities and weather patterns for several months. The evidence is impressive that they didn't count on HAARP rings appearing in satellite imagery for the average citizen to observe. Dutchsinse has been following the patterns of HAARP rings appearing and has accurately predicted subsequent severe storms and/or tornado activity occurring in bulls eye center of the rings.
A video of yesterday's storm damage. We the people can now say with 100% certainty, this was weather manipulation deliberately perpetrated by the U.S. military complex using HAARP.
For more videos on HAARP weather manipulation and earthquake activity, visit Dutchsince's YouTube Channel
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