Julie Armstrong, customer services director at Manchester Airport, said:
"We are always looking for new ways to improve the experience of our airport for customers but four years after the restrictions were introduced, passengers understandably forget about liquids. We don't want anyone to have to throw their drink or make-up away so we've tried lots of different ways to reinforce the liquid rules, from posters to people dressed up as giant deodorant cans! Maybe holograms are the answer. You certainly can't miss them and with the real John and Julie already being popular with our customers, I'm hopeful that their virtual selves will be a big hit too." Holograms to Help Passengers Through Security - The Independent - UK
Christie Musion TelePresence V2 from The Secret Seminar on Vimeo.
The airport's implementing the hologram technology through Musion, a company that facilitates 3D holographic projection for live events. Musion founder James Rock also used the technology with the Black Eyed Peas on their latest single. Rock said:
"We've developed this technology for many uses but it's perfectly suited for an airport environment where the support of recorded messages can help with passenger information. It's something we've worked on for a number of years at Musion and we'd like to see its widespread use for practical purposes like the virtual assistants. We can reproduce musical performances and, as an example, Simon Cowell had a hologram of Frank Sinatra perform at his 50th birthday so you can see where we can take this technology."This 3D holographic technology isn't a surprise to me since I envisioned it back in 1999. A chip designer at Intel listened to my idea and suggested I submit it to Intel for consideration of financing the project. Shortly thereafter the dot com bust prevented me from pursuing any further. Essentially, holographic technology could be used as a form of afterlife while performers reap the benefits of payoffs in the present. I had ideas of nightclubs with performers who since passed performing for audiences of the future. For instance, singers like Aretha Franklin would be able to record themselves in a holographic form.
The future: Phantasmic Entertainment - XSTAGE Holographic Projection System
I think singers who don't have much time left, such as Barbra Streisand, should consider having themselves holographed in their best song performances so future audiences can enjoy and be inspired by them. Imagine had Elvis been holographed, he would likely still be performing in Las Vegas today.
Another idea is popular employees with a great persona could sell the property rights of their holograms for use in other mediums. This holographic industry will be a boon for the intellectual property rights industry. Essentially, people can profit if they have a marketable hologram of themselves to offer an employer such as an airport.
Here's a great example of how excited people become over 3D effects such as this show onto a building in the Ukraine. I featured other similar videos in my post Amazing 3D Light Shows Projected Onto Buildings
A few months ago I heard about the demise of Las Vegas and wrote hotel extraordinaire Steve Wynn with an idea on how Las Vegas could revamp itself. Hologram machine gambling and video gaming could heighten the entertainment experience. LV needs to clear out those old slot machines and get the hologram industry moving forward, it's the wave of the future.
An example of a more primitive 3D game system Las Vegas could implement. More advanced would be virtual rooms full of holographic games
Other uses for this technology could be for virtual museums of holograms from difficult to reach places such as Egypt. Museums can holograph their items placing them in a virtual museum that people can come to see projected into museums all over the country and world. I personally have no problem seeing a virtual replication of a mummy as long as it's from the real thing and is in extremely high definition.
The other area of holograph technology could be used for people who want to leave an everlasting impression of themselves to relatives and great grandchildren. Imagine if you had the ability to meet your great grandmother and hear her talk to her future kin in a hologram? Listen to what she wishes to pass on her wisdom about? This is clearly a new technology waiting to be discovered and taken advantage of.
Finally, let me say that in my opinion extremely talented people are going to dwindle and be largely a thing of the past since our culture is crumbling from corruption and decay. We need to record now before we lose what these uniquely talented people inspire in others.
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