Imagine being a bank employee and facing an angry crowd such as this? (Photo Credit: Erik Verduzco/The Bay Citizen)
"Sgt. Michael Andraychak, a spokesman for the San Francisco Police Department, said that when the officers who were outside attempted to enter the bank, a group of protesters surged forward, pinning a lieutenant in a doorway and several other officers against the bank's windows.
Protesters threw bottles at officers, shouted 'Get the police,' and attempted to grab the officers' batons, Andraychak said. At least one officer said protesters attempted unsuccessfully to take her gun." - 95 Arrested After Protesters Pitch Tent in Bank - Bay Citizen
Protesters set up pow-wow in a Bank of America office. Is this the end of civilization as we knew it? (Photo Credit: Erik Verduzco/The Bay Citizen)
Something tells me it was a good thing I didn't go to the office yesterday. (Photo Credit: Erik Verduzco/The Bay Citizen)
A BofA employee stares at his computer screen as mobs of angry people set up camp in his office. This guy's lucky, throughout history revolutionary angry people would simply have taken him out to be hung from a tree simply for being "one of them". (Photo Credit: Erik Verduzco/The Bay Citizen)
Because the bank is a private business that is open to the public, the bank's manager had to sign a citizen's arrest form before the police could take action. The adults who were arrested were transported to county jail, issued misdemeanor citations for trespassing, and released.
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