"Smith was eventually released from jail, after she told judge Greene that she couldn't do the work in prison because she was so worried about her three children at home. The judge then relented, and allowed her out of jail – but immediately put her under house arrest until she completes the work. Smith currently has around 400 pages of the 1,500 page transcript to go." Judge Jails Own Worker for Typing Too Slowly - Metro.co.ukIn 2005 a New York judge was removed from the bench for jailing 46 people after none of them would admit to having a cell phone that began ringing during his court session. Judge Robert Restaino, of Niagara Falls, New York, 'snapped' and 'engaged in what can only be described as two hours of inexplicable madness'.
"Restaino, who became a full-time judge in 2002, was hearing domestic violence cases when a phone rang. 'Everyone is going to jail,' the judge said.'Every single person is going to jail in this courtroom unless I get that instrument now. If anybody believes I'm kidding, ask some of the folks that have been here for a while. You are all going.' When no one came forward, the judge ordered the group into custody and they were taken by police to the city jail, where they were searched and packed into crowded cells. Fourteen people who could not post bail were shackled and bused to the Niagara County Jail, a 30-minute drive away.In 2009 a man was sentenced to six months in jail for yawning too loudly in court and another for a mobile phone ringing during a hearing.
Later in the afternoon, after being told reporters were calling, the judge ordered the defendants released. The judge told the state panel he was under stress in his personal life." -
Circuit Judge Daniel Rozak sentenced Clifton Williams to six months jail for yawning loudly when the judge sentenced his cousin to two years probation. The cousin walked out but Clifton didn't, and he had to spend three weeks behind bars. The prosecutor in the case said Clifton's yawn wasn't routine and was a "loud and boisterous" attempt to disrupt the courtroom. But a Tribune review of contempt of court charges over the past decade shows Rozak jails people on contempt charges more frequently than any other judge in his county. Rozak was responsible for more than a third of all contempt charges laid by 30 judges in the 12th Judicial Circuit over the past 10 years. Those jailed were typically spectators whose cell phones rang or who screamed or shouted profanities during sentencing. - Jailed for Yawning, Chicago Tribune.com
In a good example of how a court system views itself as a business enterprise watching every dollar, a judge in the U.K. sentenced a man by texting to a mobile phone after he reported to the court he was stuck in traffic. Note, they think nothing of extreme sentences and judgments yet they think so much of themselves to violate their own law and procedure to accommodate the convenience of their business enterprise.
"The judge didn't want to incur more costs by adjourning the case. Aftab Ahmed, 41, called his lawyer as the case started and explained he was going to be late. Judge Caroline Ludlow decided to continue because she had a full diary and had to sit in a county court later in the day. She had already ruled out a prison sentence on Ahmed, who admitted a charge relating to his bankruptcy. First, Judge Ludlow told Ahmed's lawyer, Kevin McCarthy, to call him and check he was not breaking the law by using his mobile while driving. After hearing mitigation from Mr McCarthy, the judge rang Ahmed again and sentenced him to 140 hours of community service with £750 costs. Ahmed, of Bury St Edmunds, was stuck in stationary traffic for two hours on the A14 in Suffolk before police got vehicles to turn round. The clerk of Ipswich Crown Court, Rachel Bonner said: "The judge didn't want to incur more costs by adjourning the case." - Sentenced by Text Message - Metro.co.ukPeople of authority should always be questioned and not just rubber stamped as official and thereby credible. For more on why about half of the American public believes whatever the government tells them, see The Gullible Mind Explained - NaturalNews.com
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