If this subatomic particle experiment by CERN stands, it will be earth shaking. Einstein will be rolling in his grave.
"One of the very pillars of physics and Einstein's theory of relativity – that nothing can go faster than the speed of light – was rocked Thursday by new findings from one of the world's foremost laboratories. European researchers said they clocked an oddball type of subatomic particle called a neutrino going faster than the 186,282 miles per second that has long been considered the cosmic speed limit." CERN Light Speed May Have Been Exceeded By Subatomic Particle - HuffPost.com
The feeling that most people have is this can't be right, this can't be real," said James Gillies, a spokesman for the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, which provided the particle accelerator that sent neutrinos on their breakneck 454-mile trip underground from Geneva to Italy. " CERN Light Speed May Have Been Exceeded By Subatomic Particle - HuffPost.com
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