The video below shows the documented 1099 form for tax year 2011. I had the money wired to my bank account where it was withdrawn to be hidden in my home for safe keeping. The video also shows the beneficiary I placed on the IRA is none other than the landlady along with the ASPCA.
I sent three letters requesting the landlady not enter my unit without my being there. I am also required by California State law to secure certain items. Prior to this I had never had any issues with the landlady entering when I wasn't there, so my letters must have really brought great interest to what was in my apartment. As previously disclosed in my other posts, I had a nightmare that caused me great fear of a future theft in my apartment I purchased a motion detector alarm for that was never activated. See
Sorry the vid's vertical, I don't know why my iPhone shot it that way.
I'm also posting this for other tenants to be aware of possible unlawful entry. It seems the landlady likes tenants to be off the property during the day based on her complaint to me. Why would a landlady have a problem with that? I've noticed other things missing, including the control to the motion detector alarm, that was in a plastic bag along with the manual. These things are missing along with some small utensil from my kitchen.
The behavior of this landlady since I reported the theft has been very strange. My follow-up is on an audio vlog here. I'm sorry but in spite of her age, I can't have compassion for someone I've given gifts to over the years who seems to feel entitled to my money. I tried to put myself in her shoes and if someone sent me those warning letters not to enter another's unit, I would certainly have tried to work out a time when the tenant could be there, or at the very least let her know why I'd have to enter the apartment regardless.
I'm just thinking about how some of these elderly ladies feel so much entitlement. Free rent for 20 years, free comcast and utilities! The social security check's apparently not enough leaving tenants like me to be some form of retirement plan.
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These Satanists Are Slowly Killing Me Off - March 5, 2012
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