Obedience to God is the key to winning God over to please Him. God's Word provides a complete blue print for following Jesus Christ and applying the Scriptures in our lives. Therefore when gays and lesbians come to a Christian ministry and expect to be accepted and loved for who they are, if they haven't turned away from their sin as homosexuals they're not Christians. There truly is no such thing as gays and lesbians in heaven. Therefore if you're honest with yourself being a Christian you will turn away from sexual sin and follow Jesus taking up your cross. God provides full support for gays and lesbians who turn away from sin and follow His Word. God will not allow such people to fail and will remain faithful.
For those who refuse to obey God and His Word, His Judgment comes:
Then all the men of the city surrounded Lot's house and said, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them." (Genesis 19:5) By ancient custom, the visitors were under Lot's protection. Lot was so infected by the wickedness of Sodom that he offered the homosexuals his two virgin daughters instead. Furious, the mob rushed up to break down the door.I feel bad for the Christian pastors of this day and age having to deal with the influx of arrogant homosexuals entering their churches expecting to be greeted with unconditional love that they fear lawsuits for not marrying them. I feel bad for these pastors who are under increased pressure to deal with taking a stand on homosexuality because the lawyers are waiting like wolves licking their chops to sue their churches.
The key to defeating Satan in these situations is to form small Christian Bible study groups among real Christian friends, not these cookie cutter worship band churches where Pastors are paid a salary to do a job they become compromised in.
Last year according to a client who witnessed it, I was laying unconscious flat on my face on Broadway Street in San Francisco having been struck on my electric bicycle by Mr. Devine. I was brought low, low, low before God having taken the broad path in life. I was immediately reminded by God that Jesus is the true Messiah. I got His message loud and clear through my spirit. Shortly thereafter, I repented and turned to God for forgiveness for neglecting His Word I hadn't read in a long time. He sent me help, support and resources to restore my walk with Him. Though I had been celibate for many years, my lack of obedience was an issue as a Christian convert from 1986.
Obey God, your life depends on it! There IS a hell and it's terrifying! Please watch the video. Don't let yourself get on the broad way as I did, the path to God's Kingdom is narrow. Seek the face of God, pray and read His Word. I'm still here thanks to God's grace. Everyone should fear God, our Creator. Fearing God's the beginning of wisdom.
*Please note I will be citing and linking to Scripture in future articles. I had a computer problem today.
Revealing God's Treasure
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