Instead of finding a respectable means of making a living, Mr. Wollmann spends much of his time on the Internet on USNET forums. I consider Edmond Wollmann a court approved cyber criminal. The San Diego Superior Court approved and supported, aided and abetted Edmond Wollmann's cross lawsuit filed three months beyond statute to the tune of $570,000. They approved of this man's treachery and supported his psychosis 100% in his big dreams of himself deserving such a huge award as if he's a man of great importance. There was no trial nor defense. They just did this all behind my back after attorneys told me the case was over when I filed for dismissal.
A couple weeks ago I got a call from Mr. Wollmann's new collection agency The Law Offices of Gary Bemis in Riverside after they levied my account for $2,260. At that time their associate attorney wanted me to make a monthly payment offer, so I offered $200/mo. That apparently wasn't enough for the free loading building manager Edmond Wollmann who hasn't had a real job in years. He wants more.
I didn't do anything wrong to Edmond Wollmann except file a lawsuit, the man's of Satan. He was a complete stranger who never responded to two warning letters prior to my filings. I learned Mr. Wollmann was involved in a psy-op corroborating with his puppeteer Rick Lazzirini a Hollywood special effects man for Night on Elm Street, and the Freddie Kruger films to imposter him and lure me into a lawsuit. The court in San Diego loved this and supported it all the way being fully aware the man who had his attorney Joesph Hart, Esq. file a motion to quash my subpoena, was in the Hollywood entertainment business. Mr. Hart specializes in Hollywood entertainment clients.
My experience was that Judge Robert C. Longstreth in particular aided and abetted Edmond Wollmann who was in his court pro se and that this corrupt court system in San Diego empowered these wicked men, supporting Satan and his plan for destruction for my life to the tune of what now is $700,000. God has other plans for my life.
They already did the debtor hearing early last year and I submitted five years of records and tax returns up to 2012. They know I can't pay the judgment and have no real property but they keep stealing money outright from my bank accounts ignoring my payment offers.
Here's a clip from my letter to Bemis:
I know how all these poor millionaires like Elton John - Ugliest Bankruptcies must have felt prior to filing for bankruptcy. How Singer Dionne Warwick - Biggest Tax Debtors in California must feel being one of the top debtors to the State of California for $2.3 million. I know how they all feel because I apparently lived the high life taking Mr. Wollmann to court that I so deserve this huge judgment. I was living it up working on legal documents, now I must pay the penalty for my wild jet setting court filing ways I guess one way or another. I spent 10 years of my life working a lot of overtime at law firms only for the court system in San Diego to want to take it all back and more for the rest of my life. Meanwhile Mr. Wollmann spends his days out at the pool in his building, then onto the computer to entrap more victims perhaps. Free rent and such a tough life being a court approved cyber criminal!
I didn't deserve that court judgment and Jesus has since forgiven me for filing a lawsuit because I repented and turned to Him. Christians aren't supposed to file lawsuits. I'm going to heaven and my eyes are on God's eternal gifts! I praise Jesus for these trials in life that help me grow spiritually. I do become a bit shocked by the brazen nature of the enemy who really does believe I did something so heinous to him that he deserves every penny of the default judgment. These men operate based on fabricated scripts to manipulate their victim's minds. There was no trial, he was mostly in pro se. I'm not declaring bankruptcy.
The battle's already been won by Jesus and my life belongs to Him. Satan will continue to try to make it seem I did something horribly wrong that I somehow deserved this outcome. Satan is always into guilt and punishment. Jesus came to set us free from this bondage.“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
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