"Dear Readers, 5 years ago we launched a simple project. We collected Internet links to selected news articles, sorted them into categories and made them available to the public on our website. We had no idea where this project would take us. Our journey was shocking, unimaginable, a nightmare. Via our research, we learned:
We initially supposed that shining a light on this situation would solve it, but no more. We have learned, by studying history, the only way to stop this fascist insanity is to stage a multi-million-person, peaceful, sustained siege on Washington D.C., like the one-day protest we attended below. There are more of us than them, and they will back down if enough people organize and peacefully, legally resist. They know this and so they fear us. |
However, with one party control of government and media, we no longer see this option happening in the near term unless a unifying event occurs or uncorrupted leaders emerge with the ability to reach and organize masses. As evidence of this assumption, even the most flagrant, obvious lies and crimes, such as the IRS scandals and Benghazi are effectively ignored by both parties, law enforcement, courts and media, and left unpunished. |
There is enough evidence already captured on our website site to cause any reasonable person to see a sustained, deliberate pattern of organized crime on a massive scale and to demand an unbiased, independent investigation, trial and conviction of every treasonous member of Congress and Government involved. Therefore, we are ceasing in our daily reporting and placing our energies on new initiatives. Commercial-free, adware-free, money-influence-free, and political-correctness-free daily news reporting comes to an end, but our website remains to inform our fellow citizens of the Government’s lawless tyranny that occurred from September 2009 to September 2014. Now it’s time for us to take a new path. We faithfully served our 5-year tour of duty as a reporter in America’s 100-year-old war against Communism without any form of compensation or personal recognition. Who of you will pick up the flag next? Who will document and help stop our Government’s treason and crimes so we can prosecute the traitors? Who will show us how to restore what they have destroyed when this illegal form of Government is ultimately overthrown in the 2nd American Revolution?WHO IS JOHN GALT? Let’s roll.I am. You are. -- C.B." Like Yuri said: 'It's not James Bond... It's all right out there in the open." Wake Up, America! Commies are Running Our Country and It's Time to Get Rid of Them Now!Page Last Updated: |
God bless the man who worked on this website tirelessly who sought after the truth behind the evil of those in power. The Bible says
"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12The answer to picking up the next baton in how to address these problems is to recognize they are born of spiritual problems since the fall of man that the god of this world, Satan, is working through his minions and demonic entities to bring about the nature of what we're observing.
The Bible has all the answers to address these issues through the Lord Jesus Christ and we are to take up our full armor as outlined in Scripture in spiritual warfare to address these urgent matters, pleading before the throne of God, that He has promised to answer our prayers if they fall within His will and that we need to urge our nation to repentance first and then come to Him for healing and prayer so that He might heal and strengthen us.
Here are some videos (above part 1) from the late Pastor Derek Prince that best describes the nature of what we're facing today that only Christians will have the means to defeat the enemy through Jesus.
To those at CommieBlaster.com, thank you so much for helping to expose the darkness with light of truth. The baton is now passed on to those who have spiritual solutions through Jesus Christ and His Scriptures.
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