The U.S government has put up a page provided by the Department of The Treasury to accept donations to pay down the public debt.
The federal government has put a form online to accept donations from the public which reads:Note the wording the United States Treasury is asking for handouts from the American public to "reduce the public debt." It's not the government's debt, it's our debt! This is just another way of saying it's the public's problem, that we're a burden to the government that they need our donations and support!
So let me get this straight.
They stole our money to give the wall street bankers $16 trillion in secret bailouts and $9 Trillion has disappeared from the Fed.
When it was time to bail out the taxpayer they let wall street run mortgage foreclosure mills all over the country and instead of prosecuting the fraud they have allowed it to continue for years. Instead they have made it official policy not to prosecute fraud.
In fact states are negotiating deals to give the crooks immunity.
They have spent trillions of dollars on illegal overseas wars for oil and drugs.
They hand over hundreds of billions to spy on us creating a domestic spy program that has grown beyond our worst nightmares.
They have stolen trillions from Social Security and are conducting secret talks to chop Social Security, Medicare and Public Education.
They have repeatedly violated our civil rights, censor us , beat us, torture us, kidnap us, call us terrorists, target us for assassination, and detain us indefinitely with no charge in overseas torture camps. - Give Us Your Money, Suckers - Alexander Higgins Blog
This is obviously a desperate dangerous government. They want all of our money, and if we don't volunteer to give it up to them they will simply steal it all in the form of pensions, 401K's and social security.
The government is behaving like a crack whore with money as its addiction, quickly evolving into a very dangerous and insidious entity all should be wary of.
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