The director from Wells Fargo was so upset with the bank that he refused to sign his middle initial in his name as was delineated in the signature block on the deed of trust. He said he never signs his name with his middle initial and he just wouldn't do it. I told the banker if he didn't sign his name exactly as listed in the signature block, the loan papers would have to be redrafted without the initial requirement. He responded that he didn't care if the papers had to be redrafted and continued to sign all of the documents quite angrily.
When I was called back to perform the banker's signing a second time I was later informed he wanted to get his own notary public to do his paperwork. Fearing I wouldn't be paid for my work and time, I contacted this bank executive who expressed regret I had informed the bank he refused to sign his name correctly. Imagine that, a banker blaming me for doing my job! That is my job and this banker behaved as though I had somehow tattled on him that caused his loan to be redone. Often times in instances where loan documents have to be redrafted the loan signing agent (me) doesn't get paid unless they go back and redo the signing. This director at Wells Fargo was trying to make it look like I was responsible for the problem, that it was my fault somehow in his getting another notary to do the resigning. A typical banker!
Let there be no doubt that bankers all over the country are a pain in the rear:
"As all of you are aware, I have many cases and field calls from all over the country where banks break into homes, change the locks, sometimes take property.
The banks fight aggressively, very aggressively and take the position that they have every legal right to invade the homes of Americans. The banks take the position that when you take out a mortgage, you have given up your right to be protected by the law from unreasonable searches and seizures of your property.
Think about that Americans, and send this along to all your friends. The banks have taken the position that they do not need court order or supervision of law enforcement when they decide to break into your home." - The Banks As Burglars, Why Are They Not Punished? Why Are They Above The Law? - Matt Weidner Law BlogHere's another example in the words of a lawyer in Florida:
"Lawyers that defend homeowners are being persecuted and crushed. Activists and homeowners who plead with leaders for reasonable solutions are being crushed. And our courts, buried under the wave of a crisis created by the banks are overwhelmed. And the problems are only going to get much, much worse." - Take Back The Land Coming to the United States - Matt Weidner BlogIt's interesting to note when I asked the Wells Fargo director if he was in the financial industry, he responded with "no". Bankers are good at lying! Why would he lie? Every time I deal with bankers at my local bank, they are so nosy and prying into my personal life, I just say as little as possible. They always try very hard to make me believe they're truly interested and my friend. Once in a while I come across a genuinely nice person working at a bank, but much of the time I keep my distance. Sometimes when they ask probing personal questions I feel like responding with "it's none of your business!"
Whenever I do loan signings on behalf of Wells Fargo bank they ask if I can invoice them and it usually takes two months to get paid! All I can say is these banks have some real nerve and audacity these days. The worst of all of them is Bank of America, a bank that can burn in hell. BofA's loan refinance documents are always a mess to deal with and their customers most always complain to me about this bank's incompetence. A couple of lawyers I did a signing for once laughed at BofA's term for an additional fee as "padding" they found so hilarious they wanted to frame and hang the document on the wall.
A few nights ago I had a three hour loan signing to midnight with an auditor in the financial industry who works for VISA. Though she was very nice, she scrutinized everything, and the banker who was in a conference call with us appeared to sound drunk being unable to answer her questions. The banker was calling the borrower "sweetheart" and "darling" to the shock of the borrower who asked if she was on candid camera.
Most of my loan signing experiences with clients are very positive. However there's always that 5% who want to take out their issues with their bank on me.
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